
Rootwise Leadership coaches organizations and leaders towards equity, healing, transformation, and impact.


Strategic Planning & Change Management

Strategic planning and change management services focused on equity, healing, transformation, and impact.

Training & Professional Development

Design and facilitation of training and professional development programs for equity-centered leadership.

Organizational Evaluation & Engagement

Assessment, evaluation, and engagement processes that center equity, healing, and transformation.

Workforce Well-Being & Culture Development

Facilitation and capacity building that builds a culture of well-being that drives shared purpose and principles.


Personalized, confidential, and ongoing support for leaders to:

> Develop the skills needed to lead with purpose and courage.

> Process challenges and questions.

> Affirm and leverage their strengths and gifts.

> Define their growth needs and goals.

> Understand the assumptions driving their behavior.

> Explore the values and motivations that inform their leadership.

> Discover pathways and practices to grow and change.

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Complement any coaching package by adding private mindfulness teaching and guided meditation practice. By building an understanding and practice of mindfulness, leaders develop skills in listening, presence, decision-making, resilience, and so much more.
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Accelerate the results of coaching by adding the Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) 360-degree assessment tool. By soliciting comprehensive feedback in this way, leaders can more quickly see the impact of their behavior and understand how to make change.

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